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2. 服务态度:热情周到的服务是衡量桑拿品质的重要指标。从接待到桑拿体验,每一个环节都体现了服务人员的专业素养。

3. 技师水平:桑拿技师的经验和手法直接影响着消费者的体验。技艺精湛的技师能根据消费者需求提供个性化的服务。

4. 设施设备:先进的桑拿设备是保障品质的重要保障。包括桑拿房、汗蒸房、按摩床等。

5. 口碑评价:消费者对桑拿会所的口碑评价是衡量其品质的重要依据。


1. 长沙市XX桑拿会所:该会所环境优雅,服务周到,技师技艺精湛,设备先进,深受消费者喜爱。

2. 长沙市YY桑拿会所:这家桑拿会所以独特的桑拿文化和养生理念著称,提供多种特色桑拿项目,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,体验健康生活。

3. 长沙市ZZ桑拿会所:这家会所注重细节,从环境、服务到技师水平都堪称一流,是长沙桑拿的佼佼者。






1. 融合地方特色:长沙作为历史文化名城,桑拿场所的装修应融入当地特色元素,如岳麓书院的古典韵味、橘子洲头的浪漫气息等,让顾客在享受服务的同时,也能感受到长沙的独特魅力。

2. 现代简约风格:以现代简约为主,强调空间感,简洁大方,避免过于复杂的装饰,使顾客在舒适的环境中放松身心。

3. 舒适温馨:以温馨、舒适的氛围为主,采用柔和的色彩和灯光,营造一个放松身心的休闲空间。


1. 休息区:设置舒适的沙发、茶几等家具,营造轻松的休息氛围。可设置一个小型书架,摆放一些养生书籍,供顾客阅读。

2. 桑拿区:根据场地大小,合理规划桑拿房的数量和面积。可设置干蒸、湿蒸、桑拿石等多种桑拿形式,满足不同顾客的需求。

3. 水疗区:设置按摩床、水疗机等设施,为顾客提供专业的水疗服务。

4. 健身区:设置跑步机、哑铃、瑜伽垫等健身器材,让顾客在休闲的同时,也能锻炼身体。

5. 洗浴区:设置独立的淋浴间,配备舒适的毛巾、洗发水、沐浴露等洗浴用品。


1. 地面材料:选择防滑、耐磨、易清洁的地砖或木地板,确保顾客安全。

2. 墙面材料:采用环保、防火的墙纸或瓷砖,营造舒适的氛围。

3. 顶面材料:采用防霉、防潮的石膏板或铝扣板,确保室内空气质量。

4. 家具材料:选择环保、无毒、无害的家具,为顾客提供健康的生活环境。


1. 色彩应以柔和、温馨为主,如米色、浅灰、淡蓝等,营造出舒适的氛围。

2. 可适当运用一些亮色点缀,如绿色、橙色等,增加空间的活力。

3. 避免使用过于鲜艳、刺激的色彩,以免影响顾客的身心健康。


























"With my word number one GM this day! You listen to me, when I designed you to come out, it wasn’t like this. Go back to your lair, the world is not your place! " GM spoke very harshly, as if an old man were lecturing his son.

"Ha ha ha ha, GM, this seat calls you an adult. That’s because this seat still respects you and wants to go back to this seat. That’s impossible! Ha ha ha ha, this seat has not been born for a long time, and it’s hard to get to this day and say nothing! "
"Well, don’t blame me for being rude to you!"
After GM finished, he shook his hand, and a gorgeous light group instantly covered the magic statue.
Just now I started with GM, and I have noticed that GM is a super BOSS. And judging from what he just did, he must have reservations.
GMVS magic statue! Although I can’t speak, I can still hear their conversation clearly. GM and Magic Zun know each other! Why?
I can only wait for them to answer all the questions.
The light group covered the whole demon statue, and two big characters flashed outside the light group, "Tie the demon."
The magic statue of the bound demon has fallen to the lowest level.
GM succeeded in one move, and instead applied an n-sized fireball to the light group.
The tall magic statue was beaten and moved back. GM’s nervous look began to relax. Even stopped the magic in his hand and enjoyed the dark devil with relish.
In the light and fireball, a string of red injuries kept floating up.
Why doesn’t the magic statue move?
Although I can’t control my body, my perception is still there. GM’s tactics are not gentle, and the stabbing pain keeps coming. I hope these two men will end the fighting soon, so I will not suffer any more. However, I paid attention to the magic statue, and judging from the damage that GM has done to him now, it is impossible to defeat the magic statue all his life.
GM looked at it, and saw that the magic statue didn’t respond, so he followed it curiously.
"Psst, psst, psst," three times, the light mass was split by the magic statue with a broken sword. The magic statue came out of the light group with a big smile, still holding a broken sword in his hand, mumbling: "Good sword, good sword!" "
The devil looked at GM and said, "Lord GM, to tell you the truth, you can’t beat this seat at all." I think you’d better give up. "
"Joke, I never do things by halves. Magic Zun, listen to me, go back, this time is too late, otherwise, in two days, you demons will disappear into the game. "
"Ha ha ha ha, this seat is not scared, want to destroy my inferno, talk easy? Whoever wants to destroy his own people will end up with only one death! "
"Since ancient times, good and evil are at odds. Although I am only an official manager, I still hope that everyone can live in peace and build a colorful crazy world. However, your appearance at this time has undoubtedly broken the balance of peace, and blood shed will gradually spread to the whole Chinese mainland. "
"You get off my back! We never like to talk nonsense. If we want to fight, we will fight happily. Hey, look at it! " The tall body of the magic statue makes the broken sword handy. I saw the magic statue holding the broken sword in his hands and putting it on his chest. I didn’t know what he was reading in his mouth. In an instant, the broken sword began to spread around like a water wave.
"Magic Zun, you really won’t listen?" By this time, GM still seemed very calm.
The answer to GM is the magic statue’s dark chop like electricity!
Sword-lifting, downward stroke, and graceful movements bring the Dark Devil’s chop into full play. The boundless black gas cuts to GM with great power.
GM didn’t know what he used, but he didn’t see any harm.
I didn’t expect the Dark Knight to fail.
"MD, if you dare, don’t be invincible!" The magic statue said as he continued to chop him, but the result was still the same, and there was no harm at all.
"Waste you or the magic statue, knowing that there is no chance of playing with me, incredibly still stupid to cut me with a sword. Since you are so disobedient, I have to do it. Bound to kill! " GM played a purple light, and quickly turned into nine chains to lock the magic statue.
Nine chains soon tied the magic statue firmly and disappeared into the meat in the blink of an eye. The tall magic statue’s body began to return to my original appearance. At the moment when the magic statue gave me my body back, I heard a voice in my head: "Why did you seal me up? Why? One day, I will come back again! "
The magic statue retired, and I can control my body again.
The first feeling is still pain. Needless to say, I also know that GM gave me nine chains to wrap around. I raised my hand, and I could still vaguely see the shadows of those chains. The second feeling is still weakness.
GM said to me modestly, "Sorry, sir, your account is restricted now. I really can’t find a better solution to your problem, so I have to enable the seal. Don’t worry, from now on, you will never have a mysterious force loss phenomenon. "
I pointed to my body and said to GM, "Boss, are you following me to make me look like this? Isn’t your boss too creative? I cann’t believe I’m using chains as cloud sleeves. How can I be a man in the future? Come on, have you known the devil before? "
"Sir, you will gradually understand this matter later, and I can’t tell you now. I’m sorry I couldn’t solve your question perfectly. I’m really sorry. There is another thing, that is, your skill’ Dark Chop’ has been temporarily sealed from today. Sir, you are very lucky, and your story will always grow with madness. Sorry, I should go. "
"Birdman!" I looked at GM, who was gradually away from me, and scolded him bitterly in my heart.
Chapter 122 If you lose something.
Poor me, lying alone in the cold arena, unable to move. GM sealed the magic statue attached to me, so I don’t have to worry about losing control of my body anymore, and I am really a little happy in my heart. However, I still have a little worry when I think that GM just seals the magic statue instead of destroying it. In case the seal is lifted one day, what shall I do? Moreover, the most terrible thing is that whenever I think that there is another person in my body, I don’t want to mention that kind of awkwardness. You’d better get the demon statue out of my body. Sadly, there is nothing I can do now. Listening to the whistling wind, I feel colder and colder, and the broken sword seems to never bring me warmth again.
Where’s Zhu Rong’s little sister? Why didn’t she come to pick me up? This hellhole is so high, how can I get down? It’s too much to leave me here alone!
Just as I was cursing some irrelevant people in my mind, Zhu Rong’s little sister Shanshan came. As soon as I got near, Zhu Rong’s little sister saw my face turned purple because of the cold. She exclaimed, "What’s the matter with you, benefactor?"
"Get me out of here, I’m freezing." I said in a trembling voice and took a long breath. MD, you finally remember me!
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, benefactor, I’ll take you down. I went to see my cousin just now. " Say, little sister Zhu Rong got me a warm light, and I didn’t feel the chill receded.
Little sister Zhu Rong saw that I had recovered a little. A white light came from her palm, and we came to the beach together.
The black thief and the little thief helped each other arm in arm, and it seemed a bit like they were out of power. I’m still half lying on the ground and can’t move. When the thief and his wife saw me, a weak smile appeared on their faces. I looked at Zhu Rong’s little sister and met her eyes before saying, "Little sister, what’s wrong with my brothers?"
"benefactor, my cousin, he was hunted down and had to hide in me. Unexpectedly, the gang also followed. I can’t see the past. I just helped my cousin, so I delayed picking you up. "
"Brother, what the hell is going on? How did you come here?" I couldn’t get anything out of Zhu Rong’s little sister’s mouth, so I turned to the black thief who was also weak.
"Eldest brother, since I left the den of thieves, I went to find a thief. I didn’t expect her to go to the fire island and turn off the communication system. I had to look for her everywhere. As you know, I have fallen out with the thief’s den now. How can I ask about the thief’s whereabouts blatantly? Although I was very careful, I still couldn’t escape the eyes of the thieves’ den and they caught up with me. When they chased me, there was really no place to go. It suddenly occurred to me that the thief had a relative on the fire island, so I was desperate to find it. That is, when I first stepped into the fire island, I met a thief. The thieves refused to stop there and followed. When they saw the thief here, they clamored to kill us both back to the novice village. I’m tired of being chased by them, and I don’t have any fighting power at all. Besides, the thief is only a woman. How can I beat those people? Fortunately, when we were about to turn into white light, the thief’s cousin rescued us. Eldest brother, what’s the matter with you? How did you come here? "
"Me? It’s not that damn black demon chop! Every time I use it, it will become like this. However, I really used it only once, and the other times were not used by me. To this end, I asked the customer service, and they called me in to find GM. As a result, the GM said that he would spend some time with me to see what the magic statue attached to my body was like before he could solve my confusion. I hate it when people follow me. I can’t help it. I just want to come here and arouse the guy attached to me. I didn’t expect things to be as I thought. In the arena, the magic statue appeared again. Just now, Mo Zun was fighting with GM. Finally, the magic statue was sealed by GM with supreme law. I’m what I am now. If my little sister goes later, I will become bacon. "
"Ha ha, benefactor, stop it. I’ll find a place for you to rest. The wind here is also very strong. Let’s go. " Zhu Rong’s little sister deserves to be a fairy home. As soon as she waved, a few of us came to their newly-built house in Zhu Rong.
Although it is warmer on the beach, it is more suitable for us to rest here. Zhu Rong’s new house is well laid out, and there is a mysterious force behind it. The three of us rested here for more than an hour and then recovered.
I opened my skill bar and found the Dark Devil’s Chop. The system prompts that it is not available. I took off the broken sword and it still showed that it was not available. This skill, which is by far the most powerful in me, is also the skill with the most side effects. It was sealed by GM when it sealed the magic statue. Suddenly, a sense of loss rose in my heart.
Seeing that the thieves and thieves have recovered, I went over to them and said, "Why don’t you two accompany me to the arena to practice?" I want to know how much I have lost my new skills. "
Two people got up and nodded, and the thief went to find Zhu Rong’s younger sister. Soon we appeared in the arena again. Sister Zhu Rong has seen that I am afraid of cold, so she is worried and tunnel: "benefactor, is it too cold here? I think we’d better go down?"
"It’s okay, little sister. I just lost my strength so much that I felt cold when I couldn’t move. Now I can move, and I will be fine. Brothers and sisters, you two go together and practice with me. "
"good!" Two people at the same time pulled out the waist dagger.
Everyone has brought up their flying skills. I don’t dare to be careless if two fight one, after all, the grades are almost the same. Zhu Rong’s younger sister watched us prepare with great interest on the sidelines.
I don’t know why, but I always feel that today’s broken sword is really wrong. The usual ability to ignore defense is gone now, which makes me struggle to fight this couple. To make matters worse, its blood-returning function is gone. What happened to the broken sword? Don’t be used by the magic statue once, its power is all gone? I was thinking about these questions while dodging the thief’s attack.
I really don’t understand what’s going on, but I care that the cooperation between the thief and the couple is so tacit! I have been distracted and stabbed many wounds in their daggers. I have to admit, this is the most cowardly fight I have ever had.
The thief seems to have found something wrong with me and asked, "Brother, what’s wrong with you today? It seems that you can’t concentrate. It’s not like you. Is there something wrong with the sword? " Seeing that the black thief stopped asking questions, the thief woman also stood aside.
"There is something wrong with the sword, so I just want to find you to see what my strength is now. Now it seems that I have to change my fighting style, otherwise, how can I get along without a broken sword? "
"Eldest brother, are you confused? How could your sword be missing? It’s bound to you, it won’t break, it won’t fall, it won’t be stolen, unless you stop playing games, it will always follow you. "
"Brother, I know this, but now, this guy is no different from a piece of junk, and his original function is gone!"
"No way?" The thief and his wife said in unison.
"I cheat you? I think this must have something to do with the magic statue being sealed. If it stays like this, do you think about it, should I be ready to change weapons? "
"No, no, according to my intuition, your sword will not always be like that, brother. It must be just resting, and it will definitely return to its original state afterwards."
"I hope so. Ok, let’s call it a day. Look what you two have done to me. It’s really lame! I can’t see that you two will be so powerful together. "
"Eldest brother joking, we which is your opponent. Brother, where are you going next? "
"Tiger sword, and you? Now that you are all out of the den of thieves, I think you should go to Tiger Sword. Although the strength of Hei Hu Gang is not strong enough, everyone in the Gang is very enthusiastic, and it is a good gang. However, the people in the Hei Hu gang are all orcs, and I don’t know if you like it? "
"Ha ha, what have we never seen as a thief? Don’t worry, big brother, we will go to Tiger Sword with you. " The black thief looked at the thief, and the thief nodded hard.
"Ok, let’s say goodbye to our little sister and go together."

That is to say, the giant eagle map of the sea, moon and night has a very mysterious ability.

The nighthawk seems to have gained the ability of rebirth in the graph, or simply rushed out. The nighthawk is just a moonlight reflecting the shadow of the nighthawk
Battle stalemate
The giant eagle moves slowly against the bright moon. The mysterious "Giant Eagle Map in the Sea, Moon and Night" is so powerful that the Godsworn Three Gods will win only if he defeats the giant eagle.
Otherwise, it will be difficult to win a real victory.
War after war
Each of the three gods has its own magical warship skills. He is smaller, and the warships also have a lot of combat capabilities.
It is not a short time for nighthawk to defeat the fleet of Three Gods.
Lan Guochun’s actual combat experience is quite abundant. He sits on his back with the bald eagle and kills the quartet with Poseidon. At the same time, he finally looks at the situation and commands the top ships to explode from time to time according to the needs of the war situation. Powerful sea-going skills are used to fight the fierce nighthawk.
Friar Fengyun has a very personal understanding of this.
Every time you really get back to having a fighting power.
Lan Guochun always creates a suitable battle situation for the sea-battling Shenzhou.
Libahai Shenzhou’s strong defense force knocked out some nighthawks to get better fighters.
In the past night, there have been five explosions in Bahai Shenzhou, reaching the limit of Friar Fengyun.
Lan Guochun couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing slightly when the Shenzhou broke out five times.
Now even Lan Guochun has to say that Qingyun Gate is really going from bad to worse. What’s the point of packaging Sun Haosun’s agarwood so that the younger monks are famous?
Sun Hao also worked hard to fight the sea battle overnight. Every time, he missed the impact of the nighthawk.
It looks really reluctant.
Reluctantly ensured that Fengyun did not lose its strength and managed to maintain Fengyun’s state of dominating the sea and shenzhou.
Jin Li two monks at this time also have a little bit confused don’t know Sun Hao WTF.
I don’t know if Sun Hao deliberately hides others.
Sun Hao, the two monks in Jin Li, noticed something wrong and deliberately kept their strength to meet the unexpected.
As a result, Fengyun Bahai Shenzhou is always teetering.
More reluctantly
It is no wonder that Lan Guochun shook his head and sighed.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-nine The full moon is coming.
When the moon sets and the shadows fall, the nighthawk flows in a dark light and fights all night. When the moon sets and the sun sets, the huge nighthawk turns into a dark light and disappears with the mid-month.
The fierce battlefield is calm.
The aftermath of the sea battle rippled and reflected soft light in the morning light.
The monks on the deck of the seagoing ship sat cross-legged and meditated.
A night of fierce fighting cost many monks one.
The war is at ease and recovering.
One-night war
The statistical results will come out soon
The fleet of three gods only killed less than a thousand nighthawks overnight.
And the number of fallen monks in the three gods fleet has reached more than 20 people.
However, Fengyun’s Godsworn fell within the scope of Shenzhou, and very few Godsworn fell. Therefore, the Godsworn jumped out of the Shenzhou protection circle and rushed into the sea to return, but was besieged by the nighthawk and died.
Many monks’ bodies were laid on the deck on the sea.
Friar Sanshen stood in awe and bowed his head to say goodbye.
The idea of living and dying in Nanyang
More than 20 fallen monks now have only ten bodies on deck.
It is difficult for a general to die before battle.
Today, others fall, and it is very likely that tomorrow will be yourself.
The monks have a heart of sorrow.
Lan Guochun hangs his head in the first dish, sitting on the back of a bald eagle, and his proud head hangs down like a mourning monk.
Zhong Lijuan sang crisply, "Love your children and give up the ambition of Han Hai. Today, the trident is wearing white jade, hungry and thirsty for the blood of sea animals …"
The monks of the Three Gods sang the song of Poseidon in a deep voice, "The leaves are rustling, the strong men are hot and cold like knives, and the elegy is cut …"
In the elegy, the one-eyed man shouted, "Brothers are easy to see off."
Godsworn Three, including Godsworn Fengyun, bowed their heads in unison.
With a wave of his hand, the one-eyed Hao’s three big hands fell on the deck. Brother Qi Qi Fei plopped into the sea and fell into the sea.
It’s different from going alone on the Nanyang Fengyun.
The Three Gods fleet is composed of many seagoing ships. In order to boost morale and increase the sense of honor of the fleet, Zhong Lijuan wrote the "Poseidon Song" by herself.
Every time there is a war, Friar Sanshen sings and is generous, which adds a bit of heroism to the war.
Also buried in the sea.
The meaning of sea burial in the song is very different from that of falling into the sea.
After sailing in Nanyang for more than ten years, Sanshen has formed a unique style.
Every time a friar falls in a naval battle, the Three Gods will hold a sea burial song. In the song, the memory of the friar and the memory of the monk are strengthened bit by bit, and the resultant force is formed, which has some unique effects.
Looking at the Godsworn Three Gods, his demeanor was solemn and awe-inspiring. The Godsworn mast stood upright. Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of the battlefield where Qingyun Gate confronted the five elements of magic clan.

This is a very strange picture. He exudes great power with a huge golden bell. What is the attack on the golden bell?

The clock is long and turbulent, and there are circles of golden ripples spreading forward. Everything that passes by must be violently shaken. The clock wave is scary and scary, including terrible and strange attack power.
This is a reflection of the deep understanding of the avenue, and it is a very difficult enemy to provoke, and the power of this clock has been brought to the extreme.
Ma Sanzhi is like the dragon king’s secret method, evolving a devouring power, chopping and chopping with a murder gun vertically and horizontally, and drawing hundreds of cross cracks continuously, all the golden clock ripples are swallowed up.
However, there are too many enemies, all of whom are the most powerful elite of Tian Wen Sect, which makes him struggle to cope with the blue war spear that just blocked Zhong Bo’s side. The charm stung the sky and swooped up like a dragon’s sharp horn!
This is a stunning shot, which brings the coercion of the avenue into full play, like a mountain and river world under its arm, and the blue gun mountain rumbles and covers everything.
Ma San-zhi’s peerless courage and murder gun force the enemy to cut off the attack horizontally, like the creation of the world, cutting out a world that shattered the murderous look all over the sky
Murder gun, the enemy’s blue spear is deafening, and there is a thorn in this place, and the eyes are empty and broken!
And this is just a moment of Ma Sanzhi’s battle, and four similar strong men surrounded him and connected him. It is conceivable how dangerous he faced.
The second martial arts talent level is top-notch! The fighting was fierce.
Ma Sanzhi looks indifferent, and the waves in his heart keep him calm and calm. Facing everything, there will be a crisis.
His eyes were fixed on one of them.
His momentum suddenly climbed, and the Dragon King’s Secret Method boiled, and his body was dyed golden. His fighting power rose a lot.
Ma Sanzhi rushed to the defensive suit, and the man with cracks was specially attacked. He wanted to kill him first in the siege of the powerful countries.
The enemy’s armor is full of fluency. He is agile and fast, moving like a floating light.
"David tang David tang …"
Dozens of big collisions, Ma Sanzhi’s gun and continuous chop will make this person’s defensive suit crack more and almost explode.
Blood lines appeared all over the enemy’s body, which made him even more tired.
Ma Sanzhi’s golden murderous look is even more brilliant, and he is more and more brave in the Vietnam War.
"Capturing and killing him is this kind of golden blood, and we must get it!" A middle-aged man cold big drink a way
"Hey, it looks like he’s even more amazing than we thought. Most of this blood is immortal from the ancient dragon king. The value of gold blood is immeasurable!" Another person revealed a wave of excitement and bloodthirsty.
Ma Sanzhi felt that two people were not afraid of the sudden increase in pressure, but he could cut it off, but later he arrived at three, but it was extremely difficult to deal with the injury! "kill!"
He always has to shoot an enemy when he shouts, so that he can hurt them. Only death deterrence can stop them from being too crazy. It is better to break one finger than to hurt the enemy’s ten fingers.
Ma Sanzhi’s murder gun issued the Dragon King Secret Law and evolved into a black mountain!
At this time, the power of the application can be described as unparalleled. The black mountain is full of sky, and it is like crossing the ancient times. The black breath is terrible!
He still went for the battered enemy, and everyone changed color to help, but he couldn’t stop the overwhelming mountain.
The black mountain falls, smashing the enemy in front and flying out, followed by the explosion of the arm that blocked the mountain before crossing.
At the same time, Ma Sanzhi also suffered a heavy blow, and more than four people went out to defend their armor together, leaving a terrible ditch mark and almost splitting it.
Ma Sanzhi looked cold, stepped on Long Ben’s fist and footwork to avoid heavy losses, waved a murder gun and continued to nullify, determined to kill the man.
A deafening sound made Ma Sanzhi’s secret method of the Dragon King urge boxing, which was simply a peerless horror!
His defensive suit seemed to burn like a blaze, and the gold was boiling, and he attacked one move after another, and he was deadly and slammed forward.
"Crack …"
Ma Sanzhi punched again and again, which first penetrated him and then turned him into dust and flesh and blood.
Flesh and blood debris flying all over the sky
Chapter 119 Green, yellow, red, black and white
"So powerful …" All the people change color.
"Five elements of supernatural powers will destroy him!"
Five enemies, green, yellow, red, black and white, drink at the same time, and look solemnly. They have light flow, which seems to be able to borrow the power to coexist with the horrible atmosphere, which is many times stronger.
The combination of five elements and five divine powers can destroy the towering trees with one blow. If you really want to hit Ma Sanzhi, there is no way out.
Ma Sanzhi felt a strong sense of crisis, and his pores were swollen and Yin qi swished in.
Ma Sanzhi took a step as fast as a flash, and a ray of destruction penetrated the place where he had just stood, and everything was destroyed.
Then the remaining four enemies came after Ma Sanzhi as fast as lightning.
The situation is very bad, which makes him passive.
"Is it really powerful to block the big bursts?" Ma Sanzhi said to himself.
Just now, he has been struggling to cope with the thought of not coming, such as breaking the array, not trying, and he is not sure whether he can cross it.
The situation is getting more and more critical. He has no choice but to try to break the array. He has evolved all the secrets of the Dragon King into mysterious and mysterious inscriptions. Ma Sanzhi wields a murder gun covered with dense and mysterious inscriptions!
A small crack appeared in the sky, and a small door was punched in a large array, but it was very unstable!
"What? ! How did he do it? This ….. "Everyone was shocked.
Ma Sanzhi is even more surprised than them. The small door is unstable and will collapse at any time, but it can tear a hole in a big array with a blow. There is hope!
When The Story Of Diu Sim saw it, he drank, "A few more shots are going to be critical!"
Golden Monkey King "Your Majesty, hurry up or I won’t be able to support it." Among the three Golden Monkey Kings, the strength is relatively weak, and they are the first to feel overwhelmed.
Ma Sanzhi tried his best to bombard many guns and finally made the small door more stable. In front of the small door, he shouted at The Story Of Diu Sim and the Golden Monkey King, "Let’s go!" This critical moment of life and death is not the time to hesitate. The Story Of Diu Sim and the Golden Monkey King immediately dumped the enemy and fled at full speed
Ma Sanzhi turned and rushed in and disappeared. The small door surprised many people, but it didn’t stop them.
"Shoot at all costs!" Li Qingzhao’s beautiful eyes are cold and flashing! "He’s gone, so he may not be able to kill him. I’ll go after him to get the golden blood of his body!" The middle-aged man said coldly and coldly
The five elements of divine light flashing blue, yellow, red, black and white joined forces and disappeared into the future door.
Because they just Ma Sanzhi’s struggle is close to this door, so they can rush in at the first time.
And the sixth enemy flew in after Ma Sanzhi without any hesitation, trying to recover the immortal blood.
"This is our precious medicine, which is far more precious than miraculous holy water. There must be no mistake!" The characters of Tian Wen Sect are equally awake.
Li Qingzhao’s legs are white and slender, graceful and white, and her beautiful face is cold, like a peerless witch. "He can’t escape far, we’ll catch him!"
Ma Sanzhi appeared in the forest. It was as quiet as death, and there were flowers and trees everywhere. This was his favorite battle scene.
This silence was broken in one breath, and six enemies surrounded him again, and one of them could not emit five lines of divine light, which was relatively weak.
"Hey, you really chased it out and didn’t live up to my expectations!" Ma Sanzhi’s teeth are white and his feelings are cold. He is very calm.

"More than science and technology, the star field is divided into three realms, ontology can also be highly developed, and the degree of integration between Kewu is quite high. In the world of martial arts, the composition of science and technology may be larger, in the spiritual world, technology is weaker, and in the spiritual world, both are equally important. "

"Boss, there are really aliens like humans on earth!" He Yuming is also interested.
"Of course, although my stay is not long, the media there should not be weaker than the earth, because there are schools, bars and hotels on the inland water star …"
"Then, can we send a spaceship to communicate? Once such a highly developed alien civilization is reported by Tianhua Wenhua, what kind of sensation will it cause? I look forward to it!" He yuming is in high spirits.
"Sensation, after reading the materials and documentaries for a while, everything will be fine without being intimidated. However, Neiyuanxing is still worth a visit, but the distance is too far! " Tianxin had a tunnel in his heart, but he said, "We’ll talk about it later!"
Lin Yilan and Huang Rui watched carefully with the money on the water yuan star at the moment, and opened the red box to play with the water yuan magnetic crystal the size of an egg. However, after rubbing for a long time, they, like the owner of the jewelry store, didn’t find the mystery and only regarded them as precious stone ornaments. The red crystal is like a burning fire. Under the transparent cover, there is a piece of fire jade that changes shape from time to time. There are dark meta-crystals, like a piece of black jade …
"Boss, what is this?" Lin Yilan took the pyromagnetic crystal to ask for the truth and looked at it fondly, obviously fascinated.
"A magnetic pole energy crystal, I don’t know if it can be used on earth." As a heavenly heart, it makes sense for him to say so. Because of the maintenance of the meta-magnetic crystal, the whole star field is rather a huge magnet, which is filled with the powerful magnetic pole energy field of the meta-magnetic crystal. But even so, the seven-element magnetic crystal has not been well applied for various reasons. Perhaps after the birth of the new generation of emperor crystals, there will be countless magnetic crystals associated with the inner star, which will make the magnetic technology on the inner star develop greatly.
"Let me see," Li Qiang picked up the water-colored crystal from the box. However, she could not find the magnetic pole energy contained in it, but was puzzled by the transparent, moist and colorful appearance of the water-colored magnetic crystal. "Boss, if this is taken to the auction market, it will definitely fetch a good price."
"Yes," this is exactly what Lin Shilan wants.
"What’s more, Brother Xin, you won’t go that far, just bring back a few tickets and this stone!" Tong Ya also played with the light element magnetic crystal.
"Of course, I will tell you stories, read materials and watch CDs."
Tianxin began with the accidental interrogation of the change of the demon king of the Qing Dynasty, and continued to talk about helping the seven spirits to return from the robbery. If the powerless stick is really powerful, it has won the surprise of Tong Ya, Lin Yilan, Huang Rui, He Yuming and Li Qiang, then it has aroused great interest and concern of several women when they meet Teng Teng ‘er and get involved in the water fairy and the light fairy. The appearance of the Seven Spirits is a bright spot, and it is thrilling to rob the war. Unfortunately, the straightforward language can’t arouse the imagination of several women, but it is much easier than fighting with the powerless stick.
"The elder brother of the heart, Teng Teng son beautiful? Alien girls should be very attractive! " This is Tong Ya’s first question after hearing the story.
"Boss, you can find the treasure, an accident, not only get strange outer space travel, but also beauty constantly meet, a fairy beast spirit naturally invited, all kinds of …"
"Boss, when will you take us to free and unfettered …"
"Boss, are the seven spirits really that powerful?"
"Boss, it seems that you have a lot of stories! It should be reported that another day I will talk to Xiao Yu (executive vice president of Tianhua Wenhua Communication) and give you an all-round big report, adventure, affair, beauty encounter, treasure encounter … "
In the face of the beauty’s anger, Tianxin naturally only laughed, thinking about it, too, and left without saying goodbye. For more than half a year, his large group was all bothered by eight presidents. No wonder five women were sour. In fact, it’s not that the five women are like this, but that they feel that this person is old and not practical. This is why Lin Yilan, Huang Rui, He Yuming and Li Qiang are determined to practice penance. When Tianxin was on the earth, several women didn’t often meet him, but their hearts were quiet because they knew someone was around.
This time, I have had so many strange experiences, just like the four encounters that He Yuming blurted out. How can I not make the girls who have someone in their hearts feel uncomfortable and how much they want to share these experiences with him? Instead of listening to stories every time, I am envious.
"This is an accident!"
Tianxin shouted in his heart, but this can’t be said. He has had many accidents. With a sigh, he went to the five girls and embraced them for the first time. What is needed now is action, not words.
Ignoring the slight movements of the five women, Tianxin gave them a kiss respectively, and then crowded on the sofa where the five women were flushed, shouting loudly, "Let’s watch Star Wars together!" God said, and opened the auxiliary brain and connected it to the opposite plasma screen.
The five women were dizzy first, then ecstatic, then immersed in someone’s arms, and then their minds were attracted by the fierce Star Wars on the plasma screen. Someone who was still feeling cool at first was squeezed in the corner of the sofa on the grounds that "you have watched the live broadcast, but you are a very comfortable cushion to sit on".
Inside, Tianxin and daughters watch Star Wars; Outside, seven little guys are engaged in construction.
The Seven Spirits and the Beast Spirit Silver were put on the White Cloud House, which really meant that the beast returned to the deep mountains and traveled to the sea. Silver wandered in the forest where Baiyun lived. The Seven Spirits, on the other hand, sniffed at the small nose and flew straight for the 360-storey "Dunhuang Building" in the center of Baiyunju. At the top of the building, seven little guys formed a circle and spun around.
For a long time, Guangling pointed to the best dragon crystal held high in the central tower at the top of the building. "Why did the boss put such a good treasure casually?"
The dark spirit looked around and frowned. "Not so good, not as full of vitality as the creatures in the Lotus Heart Method Array for nine days."
Moist and smooth your hands, "whatever, anyway, the boss has let us live in this place. This baby can manage the boss or not. Now let’s build our residence first, and then ask the boss to put the next circle in the nine-day Hualien in the center of our residence. Haha, this baby will be there.
"Still watery brother is smart, I will start first." Fire spirit a xuan gas will be ejected, for light spirit to stop, "idiot, haven’t chosen a place. Don’t be busy! "
"I like the forest, where shall we go?" cried Sen Ling.
"Brother Mu Ling, I still like water. Our residence is built by a small lake." Moist and also loudly way.
"Don’t yell, the boss said, we also calculate intelligent life, so we can’t live in the wild as before, and now we want to live in a building like the boss. Therefore, take out everyone’s treasure and let’s build a seven-spirit garden next to the place where the boss lives. It is necessary to have characteristics and show the style of the seven-yuan star field. " Light spirit taught.
"But, brother Guangling, my baby has been given to the boss!" Moist and muttered.
"It doesn’t take much material. Ask the boss to come."
So, on the Baiyun Residence, between the villa of modern life and the castle of ancient China palace, a strange-looking building imitating the inner yuan star appeared. Seven houses were built on the periphery, while the inner wall was empty, which was reserved by the Seven Spirits for the nine planets mixed yuan matrix at the mercy of Tianxin. Originally, after they moved, they didn’t really need the life energy in the Acura Dragon Crystal. However, it was so comfortable to be in the life energy field transformed by the nine planets mixed array. The seven spirits said that the heavenly heart boss would shed some blood for anything.
The house of Guangling is all made of the best material of Guangyuan in the celestial world. The house is not high, only three meters. From the appearance, it is just a hollow cylinder with a diameter of two meters in Fiona Fang. The real feature can only be seen when you get closer. It is a light-colored cylinder, very smooth, although bright, but not dazzling. On the surface of the cylinder, light fog rises from time to time and condenses into various similarities. Compared with the brilliant appearance, the inside of the cylinder is extremely simple. It enters through a hollow door half a meter high, and there is a frustum of a cone of Fiona Fang floating out of thin air. The material of the frustum of a cone is very strange, but it is all made up of pebbles-sized optical elements and magnetic crystals, which is really beautiful.
The structure of a dark house is the same as that of a cylinder with slightly protruding ends, but the material is a very pleasing black ink jade. The ink jade cylinder does not show mountains or water, but if you look closely, you will feel that something is flowing inside, the sound of the waves seems to beat the shore, and the starlight seems to be brilliant. This is a feeling of extreme seeking for light. Inside, too, the frustum of a cone is composed of dark magnetic crystals.
Dolly’s house, when approached, gives people a feeling of resplendence. The surface of the cylinder is golden, giving people the feeling that a semi-sphere pops up from time to time, and the sphere bursts open after a while, and clusters of golden stars and rain are scattered. The shape of the star rain is random and varied thousands of times. The inner frustum of a cone is synthesized by magnetic crystals of Jinyuan.
As the name implies, the house with fire spirit is fire, and the whole cylinder surface gives people the feeling of all kinds of fires, fiery red fires. These fires move from time to time, turning into clouds of fire, sea of fire, flames, forests of fire and volcanoes from time to time. They are very delicate, making people feel as if they are true or not, and they often come at their faces and frighten them to retreat. But if you reach out, you will find that everything is a mirage. The inner frustum is made of pyromagnetic crystals.
The wooden house, with green shade, is very eye-catching, with flowers, green fields, towering trees and forests on the surface of the cylinder, and there are no animals but plants. It is a very eye-catching green kingdom. The inner frustum of a cone is made of wood element magnetic crystals.
The earth-spirit house is very strange, and the surface of the whole cylinder is as deep as loess, which is a fantasy of various wasteland landforms, human scenes and celestial clouds. In short, standing in front of its column for a while, as long as it is a person, will gush out the feelings of vicissitudes of life, intuition is that things are different and people are everywhere, and tears are flowing. The inner cultivation frustum is made of Eupolyphaga magnetic crystals.
Moist and look at all the brothers’ houses. Only it has no materials in its hand, and it has turned into a cylindrical surface made of true spirit and mysterious gas for a long time. How come there is no such feeling of agility? I feel ashamed and anxious. It’s a shame that the means of imitating objects and shaping are not clever enough, and it’s urgent to lose face. In fact, no matter how clever the means of modeling is, how can it be made from natural materials that have been polished by nature for hundreds of millions of years, etched by wind and rain, and cultivated naturally? Although the six spirits were easily built, they almost exhausted the materials they collected for tens of millions of years.
"No, or just have the cheek to ask the boss." Moist and mumbling tunnel, a flash appeared in front of the door where Tianxin and several girls were watching Star Wars, and whispered, "Boss, I need materials for building a house. Can you give me some materials for building a house from the treasure I gave you last time?"
"You this little guy, and want to do? Build a house, build what house? " Tianxin asked with a smile.
"Eldest brother, brothers are built, only my hand lack of materials, true spirit xuan gas got along while, can’t get it out. So I have to ask you for it. "
At this time, Star Wars was nearing the end, and several women who were frightened by it had come to their senses. Suddenly they heard the conversation between watery and heavenly heart, and they couldn’t help but wonder, "You little guys can still build houses. Strange, let’s go and have a look!"
"Sister, no, sisters, my house hasn’t been built yet. Now I’ll ask the boss for materials."
"Take it," Tianxin took out the watery little treasure bag from Gankun bag and threw it.
Tong Ya, Lin Yilan, Huang Rui, He Yuming and Li Qiang curiously followed moist and came to the place where the Seven Spirits built their residence, but they were attracted at first sight. Moist, regardless of them, the little hand dug into the treasure bag, only to see the crystal-like material flying out continuously. Under the action of the true spirit and mysterious gas ejected from its small mouth, a cylinder identical to the other six spirits appeared, with glittering and translucent water color, and now the sea, sky blue and water blue, and light fog; When it became a aquarium, all kinds of fish roamed. It’s really dazzling, to name a few.
The five women were dumbfounded, their eyes rolled around, and Tong Ya suddenly got the idea and loudly said, "Seven spirits, your house is so beautiful, but the location you chose is too bad. I will re-select a place for you to ensure that it is very comfortable and will be the most popular. "

Chapter one hundred and six Sad knot
Seven little spirits looked at Tong Ya, then at Lin Yilan, Huang Rui, He Yuming and Li Qiang. The little nose kept moving and the dark spirit suddenly said, "Brother Guangling, this sister has become so enthusiastic. There won’t be any tricks, will there?"
Light spirit ignored the dark spirit, but repeatedly looked at five women who were more beautiful than flowers. For a long time, she shook her head and said, "Is there any trick? I don’t know. However, a very old and great writer in Neiguang Yuanxing once used several books to prove that women are unreliable, especially beautiful women. "
"Ah … oh," the other six spirits stretched their voices. "But, brother Guangling, her words may be very useful!"
"Yes, how could I forget!" Light spirit patted the cerebellum, turned his eyes and looked at Tong Ya, who was in distress situation. "Old … big sister, you just have to promise us a small request and help us say a small word in front of the boss. We can move to this nest wherever you want!"
"Why are these little guys all thieves like monkey spirits? Ask them about their origins later. Just now, you just had to listen to the story." Tong Yaxin said.
Before Tong Ya could make any noise again, Li Qiang interjected, "Say a little word, no problem, but what good will it do for us sisters to help you?"
Seven little spirits heard that they had a small fight, and then Guangling stood up. "Sisters, younger brother Shuiling said just now that the five of you are in harmony with their five spirits of Jin Mu. In view of your poor skills, they are willing to take out the only best meta-magnetic material and give it to you, so that the boss can forge a meta-magnetic bipolar sword for each of you to protect yourself. As for other jewelry, the treasure bag is there, so you can choose it as much as you like!"